Remaining stagnant is not an option. That is what you keep telling yourself, yet you are not taking steps to make change. If you are at the point in life where you are ready to take the next step toward growth and change, this article has some advice that will benefit you. Take a step away from your stagnant self and truly become the best person you can be.
Often when life is stagnant, we blame other people in the circle that surrounds us. While other people can influence our lives, it is important to remember that only you can make true change. This is why your focus should always be on changing you, rather than on changing others. If you try to change others, you will never be successful. You do not have that kind of power, nobody does! You do have the power to change yourself, however, and that is where your focus and energy should remain.
When you are trying to change yourself, you will reach obstacles and stumbling blocks. Do not let these overwhelm you. If you do, you will never find your path to change and the stagnant life that is not an option will be your only option. Take your obstacles one at a time and really analyze how you can overcome them. Call in others for help or support if necessary. Do not put a time limit on overcoming obstacles. Rather, realize that this is all part of the journey, and you will be a better person when you feel a sense of success and accomplishment.
In overcoming your obstacles, you will sometimes find that it is impossible to go it alone. This is when it is time to call on others for help. Whether you decide to hire a professional therapist, coach or mentor, call on a best friend or join a support group, there is a lot of benefit in asking others to chip in on your journey. These people cannot make change happen for you, but they can give you a valuable ear, tips and advice to make your journey a little easier. Sometimes it is also beneficial to have a sounding board when you need to talk your plan out in order to find the best steps to take on this journey. Feeling like you have to go it alone is frustrating, but getting a little help is easy if you only try.
Finally, make sure to leave your past in the past. You have likely made some mistakes in life; we all have! If you continue to put your focus on those mistakes and live in the past, you will never be ready for true change. Understand your mistakes for what they are, and make sure to learn from them. After you have done that, move on and focus on the present and the future. They are much more important than the ghosts of your past.
Growth and change take time, but with a little effort, they are possible for anyone. This is much more positive than remaining stagnant in a life you are not currently happy living. So get out there, focus on the future and become your best!