Have you been thinking about quitting smoking? You can achieve this goal if you use the right method. Keep reading for some useful information on how to quit smoking.
Give yourself a deadline. If you have been smoking for years, you need to be realistic and keep in mind that quitting could take you up to six months. A deadline is a great way to keep yourself motivated, but do not let your deadline cause you stress. You also need to put together a list of reasons why you should quit smoking. Write this list down, and keep it in a place where you will be able too look at it when you crave a cigarette.
How many cigarettes do you usually smoke in a day? You need to keep track of the number of cigarettes you smoke and the circumstances in which you usually smoke. A lot of smokers have a cigarette after every meal or during their breaks at work. Look for patterns, and find ways to replace these habits. You could chew some gum after a meal, and find something else to do during your breaks at work. It will be easier to quit smoking if you do not find yourself in situations that you associate with smoking.
Avoid being around people who smoke. You might have to spend a couple of weeks away from your friends and start spending time with them again once you are able to manage your cravings or do not experience as much stress. Being exposed to second hand smoke will make you crave a cigarette very badly. If you live with smokers, you need to go on a vacation for a couple of weeks or ask them to go smoke outside. Clean your house, and get rid of ashtrays so you are not tempted to smoke.
The easiest way to quit smoking is to focus on going for as long as possible without smoking. At first, you might be able to last only a few hours but as you keep trying, you will eventually manage to spend a whole week without touching a cigarette. Do not feel bad if you cannot resist smoking. If possible, replace your cigarettes with a nicotine patch, some nicotine gum or an e-cigarette so you can last even longer without your cigarettes. You will eventually manage to go a whole month without smoking and will notice that your cravings are disappearing.
You can make your cravings go away a lot faster by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Be more active, spend some time outside and adopt a healthier diet. Avoid things that could cause you additional stress; do not drink coffee or eat fast food. If you are having a hard time dealing with your stress while you quit smoking, join a yoga class or try some stress management exercises. If possible, keep these good habits once you manage to quit smoking.
These tips should help you get rid of your addiction to cigarettes. Give yourself as much time as you need, and do not hesitate to get help from your doctor.