Tobacco and nicotine are a lethal pair and you already know it. That’s why you want to quit. And now you can finally do it; you just need to know what to expect and how you will handle the cravings and withdrawals you are going to have. That’s why this article is here to help you figure out what you must do in order to get away from smoking for good.
Know what you’re getting into. Even before you stop smoking, you need to think seriously about what you’re going to do when you have cravings and how you are going to handle yourself. You might be grumpy, so you may want to stay away from certain people during that period. You may want to avoid smokers during that period.
Know when you smoke, and find other things to do with your time during those periods. If you know that you usually smoke when you get off of work, perhaps that is when you schedule a personal training period at the gym. If you usually smoke when you go out to the bar, avoid the bar. That way, you won’t be desperate for a cigarette.
Whenever you want a cigarette, drink juice and water. Replace something harmful to your body with something good. Whenever you want a cigarette, just drink a full glass of water or juice. This will help flush the toxins out of your system. Not only that, it is a different action to take so you don’t encourage your own cravings.
Start exercising and get your health back. Make sure you start exercising. Why? Like water it helps you handle the toxins in your body, but more than that it helps you to feel healthy. You will find you don’t feel as winded anymore, and you will find that you don’t have to worry about the weight gain people expect when they stop smoking.
Clean out your home. Go through your house and get rid of everything connected with smoking. That way you don’t feel terrible every time you see a lighter.
Join a group of like minded people. They can help give you ideas about cravings, and they know what you are going through.
Don’t allow people to smoke around you, and certainly not in your home. While you don’t want to be a tyrant, it’s imperative that you do not allow people to smoke around you when you first stop smoking. Hopefully they will understand.
Keep going even if you break and have a cigarette. This can be a great way for you to fail: if you think you need to be perfect. Don’t throw in the towel when you slip up and have one cigarette, or even if you have two or three. It is a process, and you need to be able to forgive yourself and get back on the wagon.
If you really want to quit, you will be able to. You just need to use the tips here, and to stay committed to what you hope to accomplish. You don’t need cigarettes in your life, and soon you won’t miss them at all.