Insecurity and low self esteem are often a part of us because of how we think or how we’re trained to believe what others say. The fact of the matter is that nobody is perfect and we all have flaws. It becomes dangerous when it gets beaten into our heads that we didn’t meet someone’s expectations or they present themselves as better that you. None of this is true, and when you look into your mind rationally and analyze what is being said to you and why, you can easily overcome the feelings of insecurity and conquer your low self esteem.
Think about the negativity directed at you as a child or people around you who never saw the sunlight through their own darkness. Why was that and how did it affect you later in life? If a child is teased by others for not dressing as the masses do, then that child is often the outcast and often winds up with low self esteem. Now answer this honestly after analyzing it. Is the child who is an individual dressing how they themselves like the one truly with low self esteem or is it the masses who feel they won’t fit in unless they do as others do? As children we don’t understand it, but as adults we can figure that out and overcome it. If you were surrounded as a child with adults struggling to get by and always complaining leading to your feelings of everything in a negative manner right when they may have been irresponsible with money themselves? We all know those people as they go out all the time but complain they never get ahead. This can affect the mind of a child and lead to negative thoughts and insecurities that no matter what you do you will never get ahead.
When it comes to people looking down on you for the way you dress, act or speak, what are their motives? Could they be jealous that they don’t have it in them to be the individual they were born to be and succumbed to what others say in order to fit in? Maybe they simply are jealous that you are a better person than them, and they simply cannot accept their flaws so they beat others down to feel less than perfect.
You can overcome this by rediscovering who you are, looking at what you have accomplished and become that person who is proud of their accomplishments and individuality. Discover who you are and represent it, and believe it or not, when you are happy with yourself, others will accept you since they know you can’t be rattled.
Realize that people treat others poorly to feel better about themselves. Instead of seeing who they truly are, they tear others down as different. Think about the negativity in your life that led to this point where change is needed. Don’t focus on what they say are your flaws, focus on theirs and understand you never had any to begin with, they did. Once you realize this, your insecurities and low self esteem will be nothing more than the dusty memories of the past that will never affect you again.