In the Old Testament, King Solomon was asked by God which gift he would have: riches, long life or wisdom. He chose wisdom, and God was so pleased that he granted King Solomon the other gifts as well. King Solomon saw, as so many other thinkers have, that there is no substitute for wisdom. It can help you improve as a person and can also keep you from experiencing unneeded stress. Here are some tips that will help you boost your own personal wisdom and improve your life.
If you are unsure about something, it is important to check. Don’t guess, and don’t rely on a hazy memory that you’re really not sure about. The better approach is to find out what the facts are. This can help in a number of ways, whether it involves driving to a place where you have not been in a while and only think you remember the directions, and it can also help in setting a dispute with a trusted friend or relative. Guessing and thinking that you can remember can lead to strife later, as it turns out that you remembered incorrectly, or that your guess was wrong. Do yourself a favor and take a minute or two to find out the accurate facts of a situation first.
Discretion is a significant aspect of wisdom. One major element of discretion is knowing the difference between a falsehood that might be true and the truth itself. Many people will tell lies in order to get ahead, because lying is often more convenient and simpler than telling the truth. The wise man can see through the lies of others, both by personal knowledge of the one with whom one is speaking, and also of the ways that people give away themselves when they are making something up. Use this wisdom to make your communication with others clearer.
It is easy to claim to believe something, whether it is a political philosophy, a religious doctrine, or even information that you have heard or gained about another person. The wise person will put in the time to learn more about one’s viewpoints in order to provide a solid defense. If you spent any time on Facebook during the recent presidential campaign, you know that many people just deal in short sound bites instead of in-depth knowledge about the positions that they have. Taking the time to learn more about what you believe will make you less likely to wander back and forth between philosophies, instead having the knowledge to know when to change your mind, and when to argue your position effectively.
Once you know that a position is right (or wrong), it is necessary to take action. A lot of people will take action to bring attention to themselves; the wise man knows that discretion and action work hand in hand to keep the person helping from taking over the situation with their own ego.
The tips above will help you boost your own personal wisdom. Use them as you develop yourself personally.