Everyone wants to save money, especially in a tough economy. While it may seem backwards to spend a little extra when shopping when you want to save money, green products use less energy, and therefore save you money in the long run. All you need is a little knowledge and you can make decisions that can greatly improve your financial outlook. Keep reading to learn what you can do to hit your monthly budget.
Set your thermostat according to the season. Just a couple degrees won’t effect your comfort level, and makes a huge impact on your bill. You will also want to buy a programmable thermostat if you don’t already have one. This will allow you to vary the temperature throughout the day. A lower temperature at night can promote good sleep and uses less power. You can also turn the climate controls off while you are at work.
If your bills have gone up dramatically than you probably have a leak. It is time to call a qualified professional to diagnose and fix your problem. You may want to have someone come and check every year or so regardless. They may discover possible issues before they occur, saving you money. This can save you a bundle.
Curtains are not just for privacy. They also help act as insulation against heat and air conditioning escaping through your windows. Pick out something you will enjoy to kill two birds with one stone- both a decor upgrade, and a energy saver.
Just like you’ve heard you should turn the lights off when you leave a room, you should also turn off any appliances as well. Since anything that uses electricity uses it even when you are not actively using it, you are literally throwing away money. Unplug anything you aren’t currently using to prevent this unneeded power drain.
Start using cold water to wash your laundry. Don’t worry- it has been proven that washing your laundry in cold water cleans them just as well as hot water. For items that may contain extra bacteria, it is the heat of the dryer that kills them, not the hot water in the wash. There is no real reason to spend extra money heating the water when it doesn’t help your clothes get cleaner. Some items you may even want to line dry on sunny summer days. A quick tumble in the dryer without any heat on will fluff them into what you are used to dealing with. However, as was mentioned the heat in the dryer can help kill bacteria. There are some items you may want to use the dryer on every time, and others you may want to do this way every so often.
Use these tips in your home to help save money and the environment. While your personal may seem ineffective, spread over communities or even whole cities, the cumulative effect is massive. Change starts with small steps, and you can take a few now by applying what you have just learned. Since they save you money as well there really is no good excuse not to put them in practice.